Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

prayer for our leaders...

a prayer I found today on boundless

"Father of Lights, the time is dark and our eyes are dim. Our kings, ordained for the protection of the weak, expose them to death, yet cry 'hope.' Our people have lost their way and are deceived. Light in the Darkness, we call upon you that we may be undeceived and follow you once more. We humbly and earnestly implore you, not only that the evils in the land be turned back, but that we have the courage to stand against them. Holy Spirit, hear our intercession for the repentance and conversion of those highly placed who do wrong. Renew a right spirit within them. We beg the same mercy for ourselves, who have stood by and called evil good. Assist our prayers, and enable us in all times and places to give you thanks. In the Name of the Trinity, Amen."