The problem with a living is that it can crawl off the altar, so you may need to resurrender your life fifty times a day
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A living sacrifice
a quote from "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren
Friday, January 18, 2008
Psalm 18:20-24
20-24 God made my life complete
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
he gave me a fresh start.
Now I'm alert to God's ways;
I don't take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
and I'm watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
he gave me a fresh start.
Now I'm alert to God's ways;
I don't take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
and I'm watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
D'you Think...
Digory Kirke - I don't think you'll get back in that way... you see, I've already tried
Lucy Pevensy - Will we ever go back?
D.K. - Oh I expect so... it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it.
D.K - All the same is to keep your eyes open.
I'm not sure that I quite got that last line absolutely correct but this scene from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe got me. You've gotta see it to really get the context but I just love it. Probably because it's a bit on the relevant side to me at the moment.
Although how is for me to know and for you to maybe find out through bamboo torture or something like that...
The Famous Faces of 2007
While I’ve just blogged on the goings on of 2007 and how it was a year of consolidation, it would not have been the year it was without the people in it who have all had their part in how this year turned out. This is a list of those people who had a starring role and has no particular order... that is intentional anyways. If you can work it out you tell me.
Mum and Dad - Thank you for your faith, prayers, tears, support and butt kickings throughout the year. I really couldn't have done the year without you. All the encouragement and wisdom exactly when it was needed has not gone unnoticed or without gratitude. You have directed this child in the way that he should go, and by God’s grace I won’t depart from it! Thank you!
Tim and Shels - you two are awesome. Thanks for all the talks and walks Tim, those early mornings talking about girls, gear, dogs, farts, God and more have been really important to me. Thanks for letting me get a load off sometimes and for the sound advice when I needed to hear it, and even when I didn't want to hear it. Shels, thanks for putting up with me taking up so much of Tim's time as well as for your influence and wisdom. Y'know what... I am marriable! You're awesome chick!
Jen and Nathan - I love you guys. You speak volumes into my life, beat me up when I need it and set me straight when I need it. Thanks for the late nights, coffee and dinners at late notice! I'll miss you when you move to brisbane, but maybe I'll just have to crash when I'm down there for uni. Thanks for running this race with me Naath, I really will miss my production buddy next year. The team won't be the same without you... cameos always welcome.
Annie and Lil - You're the two most beautiful girls in the world, only to be eclipsed when I have little girls of my own. You make me laugh and look at the world in a different way. You're very special girls and God's little princesses!
Daniel Cooper - Bro, the year has been amazing. Thanks for sticking with me as I put myself back together and for putting up with me sticking my nose in where it's not appreciated. Oi, when are you getting engaged?
Rosslyn Kate Spencer - You're awesome! You challenge me, and that isn't a bad thing. There's not too many people that do that so don't stop in a hurry. Thanks to you to for sticking with me as I healed. You've been a part of that process!
David and Ness Schenk - I love talking to you guys and I don’t do it often enough. You challenge me every time I speak with you regardless of what it’s about. The Godly wisdom blows me away and invariably helps steer me toward the place God wants me to end up. Thanks for trusting me and giving me the opportunities to serve under you. Your influence has been a major shaping in my life. Thank you!
Sarah McDermid - Friend who I don't see too often, but who's company and conversation I enjoy. Don't stop dreaming!!!! Take the dreams you have and run with them, but take the time to put the game plan down first! You have amazing things ahead of you and I really look forward to seeing where 2008 takes you!
Jen Cook - Where did you come from girl?! While a sudden appearance, I hope you stick around. I need people to teach me to slow down and smell the roses. You've helped there. Thank you!
Steve Purnell - It's been a great year this year man! I love working with you! Just think about all the things we pulled off this year! You've helped make God's name Famous! Been a part of countless numbers of people getting their lives right with God! Thanks for putting up with me throughout the year. I know I haven't been that easy to work with, so thanks again for giving me the grace and letting me serve on your team!
Richard Griffiths - thanks mate! It’s been awesome working with you this year in getting photography happening at Kings, and in serving under you on the media team!
The Kings Production Crew, W@CA Band and Singers - Too many of you to name by name, and I'm so glad that God knows each and every one of us by name! The new faces and the old ones, you've been a pleasure to work with this year. Thanks for giving this grumpy bastard grace and understanding. Can't wait to keep running this race in 2008! I love serving you every week
Tim Allen - Thanks for trusting me and giving me the opportunities that I wouldn’t have received anywhere else.
Naibuka Sokovagone - You’re awesome dude! Thanks for keeping me sane all those long hours at the daily! There’s nothing like a good laugh to put things in perspective. You’ve been a great friend and I look forward to working with you in 2008 and onwards!
There’s more people out there who have been a part of this year and your impact hasn’t gone unnoticed, it’s just I’ve run out of names in immediate recall right now, its after midnight and I’m going to bed.
God Bless
Mum and Dad - Thank you for your faith, prayers, tears, support and butt kickings throughout the year. I really couldn't have done the year without you. All the encouragement and wisdom exactly when it was needed has not gone unnoticed or without gratitude. You have directed this child in the way that he should go, and by God’s grace I won’t depart from it! Thank you!
Tim and Shels - you two are awesome. Thanks for all the talks and walks Tim, those early mornings talking about girls, gear, dogs, farts, God and more have been really important to me. Thanks for letting me get a load off sometimes and for the sound advice when I needed to hear it, and even when I didn't want to hear it. Shels, thanks for putting up with me taking up so much of Tim's time as well as for your influence and wisdom. Y'know what... I am marriable! You're awesome chick!
Jen and Nathan - I love you guys. You speak volumes into my life, beat me up when I need it and set me straight when I need it. Thanks for the late nights, coffee and dinners at late notice! I'll miss you when you move to brisbane, but maybe I'll just have to crash when I'm down there for uni. Thanks for running this race with me Naath, I really will miss my production buddy next year. The team won't be the same without you... cameos always welcome.
Annie and Lil - You're the two most beautiful girls in the world, only to be eclipsed when I have little girls of my own. You make me laugh and look at the world in a different way. You're very special girls and God's little princesses!
Daniel Cooper - Bro, the year has been amazing. Thanks for sticking with me as I put myself back together and for putting up with me sticking my nose in where it's not appreciated. Oi, when are you getting engaged?
Rosslyn Kate Spencer - You're awesome! You challenge me, and that isn't a bad thing. There's not too many people that do that so don't stop in a hurry. Thanks to you to for sticking with me as I healed. You've been a part of that process!
David and Ness Schenk - I love talking to you guys and I don’t do it often enough. You challenge me every time I speak with you regardless of what it’s about. The Godly wisdom blows me away and invariably helps steer me toward the place God wants me to end up. Thanks for trusting me and giving me the opportunities to serve under you. Your influence has been a major shaping in my life. Thank you!
Sarah McDermid - Friend who I don't see too often, but who's company and conversation I enjoy. Don't stop dreaming!!!! Take the dreams you have and run with them, but take the time to put the game plan down first! You have amazing things ahead of you and I really look forward to seeing where 2008 takes you!
Jen Cook - Where did you come from girl?! While a sudden appearance, I hope you stick around. I need people to teach me to slow down and smell the roses. You've helped there. Thank you!
Steve Purnell - It's been a great year this year man! I love working with you! Just think about all the things we pulled off this year! You've helped make God's name Famous! Been a part of countless numbers of people getting their lives right with God! Thanks for putting up with me throughout the year. I know I haven't been that easy to work with, so thanks again for giving me the grace and letting me serve on your team!
Richard Griffiths - thanks mate! It’s been awesome working with you this year in getting photography happening at Kings, and in serving under you on the media team!
The Kings Production Crew, W@CA Band and Singers - Too many of you to name by name, and I'm so glad that God knows each and every one of us by name! The new faces and the old ones, you've been a pleasure to work with this year. Thanks for giving this grumpy bastard grace and understanding. Can't wait to keep running this race in 2008! I love serving you every week
Tim Allen - Thanks for trusting me and giving me the opportunities that I wouldn’t have received anywhere else.
Naibuka Sokovagone - You’re awesome dude! Thanks for keeping me sane all those long hours at the daily! There’s nothing like a good laugh to put things in perspective. You’ve been a great friend and I look forward to working with you in 2008 and onwards!
There’s more people out there who have been a part of this year and your impact hasn’t gone unnoticed, it’s just I’ve run out of names in immediate recall right now, its after midnight and I’m going to bed.
God Bless
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